
How to choose the perfect ski?

We sell many various ski models, so it’s worthwhile to find out what to look out for to make a successful purchase. The key factor is the length of the skis, which affects the ease of movement on the slope. The height, weight, skiing skills and sex are taken into consideration. In general, beginners with average body weight should choose skis lower than their height by at least 10 cm, while experienced skiers will ride on models 10-20 cm longer. In addition, the need to lengthen the skis comes from some extra pounds of weight, generally boards for men are slightly larger because of a larger body. The smaller the length of the skis, the easier it is to control them, although the speed that you can freely achieve while passing is reduced. The same applies to the hardness of the skis – soft models are recommended for amateurs.
Another thing is the purpose of the equipment, and amateurs who only want to ride on the prepared slope should choose the allround type. Other types allow you to develop higher speeds (races), allow you to ride on freerides or climb (skitour). The least practical aspect is the styling and coloring of the skis, though of course it is better to choose the ones that we like. And for specific brands, it is also the depth of our pocket here, because the cheapest sets cost less than 250-300 zł, but more demanding is already spending more than 1000 zł. However, it is also a good idea to ask your friends if they have been skiing longer, for their own experience, and it is best to test the models yourself.

Buying used ski

Purchase of used skis is recommended in several situations. Not only if you are tight on budget, but also when you are just starting your skiing adventure and do not know what your preferred driving style is, nor even whether you will like this sport. It is better to decide for a new set when you are sure of your skiing abilities and preferences. You need to remember that skis wear out when used, so riding a used pair will never be as comfortable as riding a pair of new skis. Buying good second-hand skis is not an easy task.
Apart from the standard factors, such as our height or weight, we also need to pay attention to additional elements when choosing. First and foremost, it is about the age of the skis, because naturally the older they are, the more worn out they are. A used kit will probably not have a full original painting – the less it is, the more likely is it was more exploited or the previous owner did not care about it properly. Even more important is the condition of the slipper, or the bottom of the ski, and its edge. You should look for any surface differences, beads or deformations as well as color changes in the material, which would indicate serious damage to the ski. Another factor is the thickness of the material to be checked with the new model – if the ski is very thin, it indicates its frequent sharpening, which results in decreased stability of the ride. Lastly, you should verify the lines by comparing the skis’ bottoms. If any of them stands out, it means that it’s too worn out.

Equipment servicing

Taking care of the condition of your skis we use does not only reflect the riding experience and the frequency of ski exchanging, but also on your safety. You have to keep just a few things in mind to let your set serve you for a long time. Skis, if constantly used, require regular waxing and sharpening so that their surface will be secured and provide more comfort. The first treatment should be done before going to the slope and then about twice a week using dedicated resources that you can apply yourself. For sharpening the skis you’d better ask the experts from the service or a suitably equipped ski shop, and do it about every 1-2 weeks.
The way of transporting the skis with a car is important too. Bare gear attached to the roof gets damaged by road salt and mud, if placed in a trunk it can be mechanically damaged. It is therefore necessary to buy a closed roof rack. Proper ski storage after the season is a thing to also keep mind. The gear must be precisely dried, cleaned of mud and wax residues and treated with preservatives. You also have to loosen the fasteners and gently bind the two skis together, then put them into a case and leave them at room temperature, not exposed to moisture. Before going to the mountains, you only clean the ski grease, apply wax and everything is ready.

Ski set

When going to the mountains, as important as the ski equipment itself, is also the selection of appropriate clothing. Without it the winter madness can quickly end up with a cold and laying in bed. On the slope, clothing such as we wear on a daily basis will not work, because it does not protect against heat loss and gets soaked easily. So you have to start with thermo-active underwear, which allows to keep the body dry by evaporating the moisture normally accumulated on the skin. Another layer consists of a thicker sweatshirt or a sweater to keep the body warmth, while on the top you should have a waterproof jacket and trousers. They also must allow for cyclical removal of excessive moisture from the body.
In addition, trousers should be fitted with a zipper to prevent snow from entering the shoe. Ski boots themselves are usually insulated from cold, but it is advised to wear warm socks. Thick ones are not always good because they can restrain foot movements, whereas polyester socks are thin and keep warmth. We cannot forget about the cap, and even better about the helmet, because it’s the head that loses heat the quickest. A balaclava can also be a great solution, as it also protects the neck from the cold. We also need to protect our hands, and the best way is to use ski gloves. Clothing made of several layers is more practical, as if needed, as soon as the slope conditions change, you can quickly adapt to them. At the same time, clothing must restrict our movement so that skiing is comfortable.